Why Didn’t They Tell Us?
Leslie Randolph is a self-confidence coach for teenage girls and the self-confidence coach you wish you had as a teen. In fact, she’s the self-confidence coach she wishes SHE had as a teen because she knows she could’ve avoided a whole lotta heartache, if only she knew the secrets she shares in “Why Didn’t They Tell Us?” Leslie didn’t know she could love her body at any size. No one told her that self-confidence was a choice she could choose to make (and one she was worthy of choosing). She didn’t know self-love and self-compassion were more motivating than emotionally beating herself up every time she missed the mark on achieving a goal. No one told her that guilt was an optional emotion, even for “nice Jewish girls” like her. From tips for cultivating self-confidence and combatting imposter syndrome to learning strategies for self-love and silencing negative self-talk, “Why Didn’t Tell Us?” is a gift of love and wisdom for the insecure teenage girl that still exists in all of us.
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
“So many women struggle to create balance. Is that you?” If your answer is “yes,” Leslie is here to help. There’s no such thing as finding balance–you must create it, and on this solo episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us?, Leslie has provided some confidence cultivator thought starters, a series of questions and time audits to determine what your priorities are and how to best utilize your time and energy so that both your needs and your desires are met.
It’s so important that you approach each question honestly and without judgment. Society’s “shoulds” have no place in this process. Whatever your priorities are–whether it’s your social life or creating more of a work-life balance–be honest and honor them.
Balance and calm go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. With Leslie’s help you are well on your way to creating more of both in your daily life.
“Chances are, if you’re going and going and giving and giving, there’s very little left for you when it’s all said and done. And let’s be honest, it never feels done, because it all starts over the next day.” (3:02 | Leslie)
“Balance is not something you seek; it is something you create. With intention. With commitment and consistency.” (6:34 | Leslie)
“Don’t judge; just notice. Remember I said you can’t beat yourself up to more self-confidence. The same applies here. You cannot beat yourself up to create more balance. Notice with love and compassion, not judgment.” (11:14 | Leslie)
“Why didn't they tell us we can’t wait for balance and calm, we must create it.” (19:37 | Leslie)
“By letting go of the external ‘shoulds’ and paying attention to our internal priorities, our internal desires, by making the time for them and savoring it when we do, we will create the calm and balance we so desire. I hope you do. I know you can. I'm cheering you on for all of it.” (19:46 | Leslie)
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
“I’ve got the promise of new possibilities pumping through me!” announces Leslie as she kicks off the New Year with a new episode and a self-confidence cheat sheet for you to cultivate more confidence in the year ahead. While the concept of more self-confidence feels like a reach for some, Leslie explains that it is available to anyone who is willing to make one simple change. And that change is not what you might think as the messaging about goals and “New Year, New You” floods our feeds and collective conversations.
All you have to do is to change the way you think about yourself. Not just happy thoughts, but deliberate thoughts that focus on your unique strengths and gifts only you can offer the world.
Too often, we suffer from what Leslie has coined “as soon as” syndrome. We think that as soon as we get that job, that dream partner, that promotion, then we have permission to feel good about ourselves. But actually, it’s the opposite. The more we believe in ourselves, the more that version of ourselves shows up in the world, along with the self-worth that comes with it.
Setting goals is a good thing. But you don’t have to wait to achieve them to become the best version of yourself. That change lies in the power of your thoughts, and you can change your thinking at this very moment!
“As we start a new year, I want to offer you an approach that, when put into practice, allows you to create that potential and promise that perhaps you’re yearning for in the new year.” (3:25 | Leslie)
“We’re bombarded with messaging of ‘New Year! New You!’ Like there’s a version 2.0 of you that does everything right, (right in air quotes). And when you do everything right, then you’ll feel the confidence needed to create what you want in the year ahead. Then you will feel worthy.” (4:16 | Leslie)
“All that needs to change is your mindset.” (5:02 | Leslie)
“The thoughts you think aren’t just the soundtrack in your mind. They are the compass of your life.”(6:10 | Leslie)
“Believe you can do something and you will find the way. Believe in yourself and you won’t stop until it’s yours. Believe in yourself and you will forever have a friend on the journey to creating a life you love.” (6:19 | Leslie)
Connect With Leslie:
Confidence Cultivator Cheat Sheet: https://wondrous-leader-9073.ck.page/13bd931567
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
“Your feelings drive what you do–and don’t do–in this one and only life of yours,” says Leslie in this second installment of the Goal Setting Made Simple series. Today, we are talking about “emotional fuel,” or the feeling needed to make your dream, resolution or goal a reality. It’s a cyclical process: positive feelings make you more likely to do the work involved to achieve your goal, and completing that work gives your feelings of pride and achievement which then fuel you to do more work. Those positive emotions also make the journey to achieving the goal far more enjoyable.
Today, Leslie shares her “greatest hit list” of top 5 feelings for goal getting. Any number of distractions, comforts and temptations threaten to sabotage our goals at any moment, and these five feelings will keep you motivated and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed as you make your goal a reality.
Achieving your goals isn’t easy. In fact, only nine to 20 percent of people keep their New Year’s Resolutions. Leslie’s here to help you beat those odds as well as share with you what is kryptonite to success, what separates quitters from conquerors and the important distinction between confidence and self-confidence.
“Any goal is simply the result of taking action–likely a lot of action. Few goals are a one-and-done situation. They typically require consistency and repetition.” (2:54 | Leslie)
“If you think, ‘I can’t do it,’ and you feel defeated, and your emotional fuel is ‘defeat,’ well then you’re not going to do it. Why would you? There’s no point. You can’t do it, you feel defeated. But if you think, ‘I can do it!’ ” and you feel motivated, you’re going to go do the thing. Motivation becomes your emotional fuel.” (4:06 | Leslie)
“That is premium emotional fuel, that is what we’re talking about today: what you need to feel to achieve what you desire.” ((7:09 | Leslie)
“Be sure your ‘why’ is for you.” (12:38 | Leslie)
“It takes courage to even set a goal let alone go after a goal.” (15:28 | Leslie)
“Whatever your goal is, believe in your ability to make it a reality.” (19:40 | Leslie)
Connect With Leslie:
Book a Call with Leslie: https://calendly.com/lesliethelifecoach/self-confidence-consult
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
“It’s the season of goal setting and goal getting!” As we move into a new year, Leslie’s gift to you is a series of actionable steps that will help you achieve your goals. The first step is starting. Too often people wait until everything is perfect before beginning whatever it is that they want to do. Of course, nothing is or ever will be perfect. Making mistakes and feeling silly are all part of the process, it’s also how you figure out solutions–and there is a solution to everything. You have to be willing to take perfectly imperfect action, feel the fear and do it anyway.
When Leslie first launched this podcast–one year ago!--she had all the same fears and feelings. She learned how to turn down the volume on her bully brain and amplify the voice of her bestie brain, using techniques she shares here today. She’ll teach you how to build your self-confidence, and provide yourself with the fuel to keep going by taking stock of your achievements along the way.
Today’s episode marks the one-year anniversary of Why Didn’t They Tell Us. By joining today’s conversation and following Leslie’s advice, you’ll soon be on your own journey toward achieving your goals.
“When you want to go after a goal, chase a dream, create the life of your dreams, you have to start. It seems so simple, but I have to say it. You have to go, you have to take that first terrifying step. You can always change directions if you find yourself going in the wrong direction.” (5:29 | Leslie)
“There is a solution to every problem and when you are going after a goal–spoiler alert—there will always be obstacles. It doesn't matter what your goal is, you're going to hit them.” (8:30 | Leslie)
“You have to be willing to be bad. You have to be willing to struggle. When you are starting anything new, you have to be willing to not be great out of the gate. I know that's not fun.” (11:44 | Leslie)
“That's all that failure is: a chance to learn.” (16:29 | Leslie)
“When you're in the thick of it feeling terrible because of the way that you're talking to yourself and treating yourself, you think the only way out is to quit. It is not the only way. The only way to not feel terrible when going after a goal is to not say terrible things to you. And to not treat yourself terribly. How terrible would it be to quit on something that means so much to you? That would be terrible, right? Because then you have a whole other host of feelings of, ‘I walked away from something I love simply because I was being mean to me.’ (18:41 | Leslie)
Connect With Leslie:
Sign-up for Mindset, Meditation, & Metabolism: https://www.leasure-life.com/give-yourself-the-gift
Book a Call with Leslie: https://calendly.com/lesliethelifecoach/self-confidence-consult
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
“It’s a holistic experience, not a fleeting moment. It’s a practice,” says Jill Rivkin. Ahead of her 40th birthday, Jill decided to participate in a challenge. For 40 days she wrote down everything she was grateful for, down to the way her son belly laughed while playing with his Legos, and shared it on social media. These popular posts evolved into the blog Grateful Girl, which eventually led to her co-founding Gratitude Generation, a nonprofit organization committed to inspiring gratitude in future generations through service and education. Though she’s a “glass half full” person by nature, Jill insists that we can all rewire our brains to adopt a gratitude mindset, even as life becomes more complicated and the world an increasingly scary place.
When we act with gratitude, everyone wins. Jill discusses the ripple effect that Gratitude Generation has created throughout her community as well as the benefits gratitude provides to our physical health. For teens who are self-absorbed by nature, the practice cultivates an awareness of the world around them, and helps to build their self-confidence.
It's a practice that anyone–no matter what they are going through or what lifestyle they lead—can begin incorporating into their daily habits. Join Jill and Leslie as they discuss their own teenagers’ experience with Gratitude Generation and the major difference between gratitude and happiness.
“I see the world for what it offers me, I see people for what they give me. My mom once told me it was a beautiful trait I have for loving everybody in my world for what they can give me and not judging them for what they can’t.” (6:46 | Jill)
“Sometimes we're not ready for gratitude. Sometimes things suck or sometimes things are stressful. Sometimes things are emotional, sad, all of it. Gratitude will help us dig out of every single one of those emotions. But when the time is right. (13:59 | Jill)
“It's a holistic experience. It's not a fleeting moment. It's a practice.” (16:49 | Jill)
“Leslie, you mentioned your ‘buzz.’ So at Gratitude Generation, we like to call it a glow. Because you know, we love a good acronym. So Gratitude Lights Our World. Because we like to glow. And so you can be buzzed, you can be glowing, you can all have it. But you're absolutely right in that you feel something.” (24:00 | Jill)
“The ripple effect, besides the feel good, the buzz, the glow, all that, is it is incredibly healthy. This is really truly scientifically proven to be good for you to give for yourself, to give of yourself to take care of yourself by doing things that make you feel good.” (29:04 | Jill)
“Gratitude is not limited to people who have certain things or live certain lives. It's such an important part of every human's thinking that whether you have a lot or you have a little gratitude can be found.” (34:38 | Jill)
Learn more about Gratitude Generation: https://www.gratitudegeneration.org/
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Book a Confidence Cultivator Call with Leslie: https://calendly.com/lesliethelifecoach/self-confidence-consult?month=2023-11
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
With so much going wrong in the world today, it’s no wonder we’re all so stressed, both mentally and physically. Worse, our coping mechanisms–endless scrolling, complaining to each other and compiling our fears, emotionally spiraling–do nothing to alleviate the problem. In fact, they only create more problems. On today’s episode, Leslie offers a better solution, one that’s free and accessible to all of us at this very moment– positive thinking.
It should be said up front: this is not an escape from negative emotions. It is a deliberate practice which requires that you channel your emotional energy with intention. As Leslie always says, it’s a privilege to feel all emotions. This process is about shifting focus, empowering yourself with coping skills and reaping the benefits that follow like pain relief, resistance to illness and reduced risk from death and prolonged life.
You deserve to feel happy and hopeful and, as a result, do good works for others in return. After all, positive energy is contagious.
“If you are a human living on planet Earth right now, chances are positivity has been a challenge.” (1:56 | Leslie)
“I will say it again and again. It is our privilege as humans to feel and feel it all. We only know the goodness of life's best and most beautiful moments because we've experienced life's lows. We've experienced setbacks. We've experienced sadness. It is forever a balance, a yin and a yang.” (4:31 | Leslie)
“Findings out of John Hopkins, which kind of echo what Mayo Clinic found, show that people with a family history of heart disease, who also had a positive outlook, were 1/3 less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years than those with a more negative outlook.” (8:24 | Leslie)
“Positivity can do that. It's infectious, it's magnetic. It's an energy people want to be around. And it's not one size fits all. Don't go and be me. My brand of positivity might not be the same as yours. Find yours. Tap into it with intention for you, first and foremost. But then there's beautiful byproducts of it, right? You might just lift someone else up. What a beautiful thing to do today in the world that we're living in.” (11:28 | Leslie)
“This is not you know, flipping the switch and being like, I'm never gonna think a negative thought again. That's not the point here. But I want you to be mindful with that negativity.” (14:08 | Leslie)
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Book a FREE Confidence Cultivator Call: https://calendly.com/lesliethelifecoach/self-confidence-consult
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Are you unintentionally hindering your teenager's journey to independence? Dr. Leigh Weisz sheds light on a paradox: In our bid to protect our kids, are we actually robbing them of essential life skills? In this episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us, Dr. Weisz joins the discussion to tell us what we can do as parents of teenagers to ensure they grow into confident and independent adults. So many of today’s parents, despite all of their good intentions, are trying to rescue their kids from feeling any kind of discomfort. From the embarrassment of forgetting to bring their homework to class to the complicated feelings of grief, parents are robbing their kids of the self-sufficiency, problem-solving skills, and emotional resilience required to be healthy and productive adults. Parents need to give their teens the space to fail, be sad, and struggle while learning new skills. This is easier said than done as it requires that parents must endure their own emotional discomfort in the process.
We live in a world where parents are more overloaded than ever with responsibilities and expectations. Simultaneously, especially for more affluent families, an increasing number of modern conveniences mean it’s faster and easier to never have a teenager have to do anything for themselves. Dr. Weisz explains what parents can do–and stop doing–to give kids more responsibilities and consequences, as well as opportunities to earn rewards for themselves.
For parents who are bombarded with too much–often conflicting–information about how to raise their kids, Dr. Weisz refreshingly recommends doing (a little) less rather than more. She shares her parenting “greatest hits,” explains why it’s a mistake to give your child a debit card and why getting admitted into the Ivy League means nothing if you can’t do your own laundry.
“One characteristic I think is really important to have is grit. Angela Duckworth coined that term. It's really the ability to persevere through challenges, not to give up right away at the first moment of discomfort or challenge.” (7:38 | Dr. Weisz)
“It's about stepping back, not hovering or being a helicopter parent quite as much–again no one has bad intentions when they do this, and of course, we all do this sometimes–but trying to protect them less, and allow them to figure it out a little bit more.” (13:32 | Dr. Weisz)
“The idea that the parents would allow them to also experience some meanness and know that they can develop skills, whether it's asserting themselves, choosing the right people to hang out with, standing up for themselves, making a change in lunch tables, whatever those skills are. They can handle it, even though it is uncomfortable, and we wish it wasn't uncomfortable for them, but not trying to rescue them from experience.” (17:14 | Dr. Weisz)
“We've had clients in our practice come to us who were very academically superior, we'll call them. They got into Ivy League colleges and couldn't stay freshman year because they couldn't navigate the situations without their parents. So, it's not just academics, it's not just if they’re smart kids. Do they have these other skills that we're trying to prepare them for, and confidence that they can do it without their parents right there?” (25:38 | Dr. Weisz)
“Give yourself permission as a parent to sit back and relax a little bit more than we probably all do in your parenting style. Let them do more and you do less would be the overarching message…As much as you want to be able to fix everything and be there, sometimes just listening and being a support along this journey is the best thing you can do.” (35:23 | Dr. Weisz)
Learn more about Coping Partners: https://copingpartners.com/
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
"Communication is the core of everything.” Jordyn Scorpio is the Director of Community Education at SHALVA, the oldest independent Jewish domestic abuse agency in the United States. As part of her Seven Circles program, she helps to educate Jewish couples on abuse prevention, which starts with identifying the differences between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships, which exist on a spectrum. Healthy relationships include healthy conflict which provide opportunities for both individuals to learn and grow, while at the heart of abuse is a need to assert power and control over someone. This is why listening to your gut instinct–whether you are the one in the relationship, or a concerned loved one—is so important: if something seems weird, it’s weird, says Jordyn.
Signs of abuse, however subtle, present themselves early and they can get buried under a lot of confusing messaging. It’s easy to be blinded by abusers’ high status or social charm, and it’s true that even abusive relationships can include a lot of love. Jordyn reveals personality traits that abusers commonly exhibit as well as red flags to look out for when anyone starts a new relationship.
Parents can introduce prevention education to their teenagers, spotting yellow flags and opening up conversations about them. This includes questioning portrayals of love and romance in film as well as appointing a safe adult to confide in.In a world filled with diverse relationship dynamics, understanding and recognizing the spectrum of characteristics from what is healthy to what is dangerous is so important. Jordyn's insights offer not only a guide to navigating our own relationships but how we can support others to create safe and nurturing connections.
“Conflict can be really healthy. If there's conflict happening, that means that you're both two independent people with independent lives, opinions and voices. And that breeds conflict sometimes. But that's a beautiful thing to have in a relationship.” (12:12 | Jordyn)
“What's difficult about the topic of domestic abuse in general is it's hard for people to distinguish between healthy, unhealthy and abusive. It is on a spectrum. And if it was really easy to define, and very black and white, then it would be easy to say, ‘This isn't good, I'm getting out.’” (13:41 | Jordyn)
“Trust your gut. If you feel like something was weird, something was weird. We're really trained as young women to not trust our guts and to be the nice person.” (18:15 | Jordyn)
“At the core of it, it is about power and control. That is the definition. It's about somebody asserting power and control over somebody else. And they just find different tools to do it since the dawn of time.” (25:53 | Jordyn)
“The idea that hurt people hurt people is very relevant in an abusive relationship. All of these people doing this are not sociopaths. They likely saw abuse in their homes and that's how they saw love.” (29:53 | Jordyn)
SHALVA Resources and Support:
If you are in urgent need of support, SHALVA’s Help/Crisis Line is open 24/7, call 1-773-583-HOPE (4673)
Learn more about SHALVA: www.shalvacares.org
Follow SHALVA on Facebook & Instagram @shalvachicago
Learn more about Seven Circles: www.sevencirclesjourney.org
Follow Seven Circles on Facebook & Instagram @sevencircleschicago
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
“What's crazy is I've never been happier. I've never felt more alive,” says Leslie’s sister, Laura. This is a surprising and admirable reaction to the events of the last three years which have included several major health problems, the most recent of which is a breast cancer diagnosis. Laura joins the podcast just before entering her next round of cancer treatment, to share the lessons she has learned and continues to learn from these challenges and how they have shaped her incredibly positive mindset. Starting four years ago, with the help of a life coach, she learned how to reparent her inner child and change the negative image she had carried about herself throughout her life. After all, we can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we respond to it and the meaning we choose to assign to it.
Now in the midst of her cancer journey, Laura chooses gratitude. Gratitude for her supportive husband, for her incredibly understanding boss and co-workers, and for the money to afford medical treatment. The many changes, including to her body, are opportunities for growth and surrender. She discusses the many ways people have reached out in support, including quite literally taking the shirts off of their backs in a show of camaraderie.
So many people are touched by this disease, and Laura recognizes that there is no one way to deal with it. Still, she offers advice for those going through it and those who want to show support.
• “Without question the last three years of my life have been the best years of my life.” (7:20 | Laura)
• “Things are always going to happen. We have an opportunity, whether we realize it or not, to assign meaning and value to those data points. And I think most of the time, we don't have a conscious moment of recognition that, okay, I'm making this thing that happened mean something. There's what happened, there's how I feel about it, and then there’s what I assign in terms of value.” (10:29 | Laura)
• “I can control how I want to approach this. I have made a conscious choice to not spend my energy trying to keep things the same. Because that's a waste. Nothing is going to be the same. I can resist the change or I can embrace the change. And, embrace, not just accept, find ways to find joy in the change.” (16:28 | Laura)
• “We are typically so hard on ourselves. And, every time we think something negative or do something that doesn't serve us. It's usually being fueled by or informed by the little girl inside of us who is scared of not getting what she needs.” (19:27 | Laura)
• “That's the lesson learned, that I am so powerful, that I am so resilient that I’m unstoppable. If I can do that, I can do anything.” (24:29 | Laura)
• “I realized I could control more than just my mindset. I could be very tactical in terms of how I can create comfort and really prepare myself in every way for each step of this process.” (28:47 | Laura)
• “Chances are, they've been touched by this, too. Which means there are so many people who will come out of the woodwork offering guidance and support and recommendations, who are willing to literally take their shirts off.” (36:22 | Laura)
• “Every day was another reminder that I was loved. And that I had support and that people had me in their thoughts and in their prayers. Yeah, it was almost, it was almost overwhelming, to be honest. But it buoys you.” (38:11 | Laura)
Resources: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
“When we take time to slow down and really tap into our cyclical superpowers,” says Ashlee Sorensen, certified menstrual and hormone coach, “We start to realize that we are divinely created, that we have a purpose. And it looks different for everybody.” Every point in a woman’s monthly cycle heightens different traits and provides different opportunities, including the opportunity for her to retreat inward, introspect and receive what Ashlee calls “divine downloads” which help us better align with who she is and what she wants. The problem is, most of us are “rushing women,” competing in a man’s world, and are encouraged to push through our physical and emotional menstrual symptoms. Yet, by becoming more aware of our own cycles and those of our daughters, we can better communicate with each other, show compassion to each other when we need it, and help lift the stigma and mystery that still exists around menstruation.
Some women may be in menopause or perimenopause while their daughters are menstruating, another major era in a woman’s life that continues to be shrouded in mystery and shame. Menopause, too, provides opportunities for evolution and rebirth, and for confronting issues that may be leftover from adolescence. Again, fostering awareness of these changes can help mothers parent better by establishing boundaries and taking time out for self.
Everyone’s “cycle strategy” for optimizing their hormones is unique, but Ashlee offers some general tips that can be helpful to all of us, including certain dietary restrictions and avoiding using birth control to manage period symptoms. Join the discussion to find out how to slow down, and tap into your body’s natural window for resetting and growth.
• “When I say it's going to help you find your purpose, it's because really the menstrual cycle is an initiatory process. It has the power to take us from where we are currently and transform us, renew us, every month.” (8:44 | Ashlee)
• “Your hormones literally affect everything and nobody's talking about it. We live in a man's world and we're just expected to function as such. And that's not fair because we're not men. That's why so many women feel overwhelmed and stressed out. And you know, like they aren't enough because we are women trying to survive in a man's world.” (18:51 | Ashlee)
• “It's not a permission slip to check out on life. It's an opportunity for introspection.” (19:35 | Leslie)
• “We can start paying attention to our needs, we can start doing the introspection that is needed for personal evolution, and we're not honoring it. And that's what I mean when I say like, oh, that's why so many women feel resentful. Because we're not taking that time to come inward. And there's literally a space designed in the menstrual cycle to allow you to do that.” (20:35 | Ashlee)
• “Perimenopause has been called the second puberty because our body is changing…if things weren't handled, like maybe you've got body image issues or, you know, issues around food, that stuff can creep back up when you're in perimenopause.” (35:41 | Ashlee)
• “How cool is it that we get to push the reset button? Quite literally, every month when we start a new bleed. What do I want to do differently this month?” (40:27 | Ashlee)
Connect with Ashlee Sorensen:
A Bit Better Every Day podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-bit-better-every-day/id1563496116
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heyashleenoel/?hl=en
Courses: https://ashleesorensen.podia.com/
Connect With Leslie:
Six Steps to Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence: https://www.confidencecoachforgirls.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_coach_chronicles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachChronicles/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm