Why Didn’t They Tell Us?

Leslie Randolph is a self-confidence coach for teenage girls and the self-confidence coach you wish you had as a teen. In fact, she’s the self-confidence coach she wishes SHE had as a teen because she knows she could’ve avoided a whole lotta heartache, if only she knew the secrets she shares in “Why Didn’t They Tell Us?” Leslie didn’t know she could love her body at any size. No one told her that self-confidence was a choice she could choose to make (and one she was worthy of choosing). She didn’t know self-love and self-compassion were more motivating than emotionally beating herself up every time she missed the mark on achieving a goal. No one told her that guilt was an optional emotion, even for “nice Jewish girls” like her. From tips for cultivating self-confidence and combatting imposter syndrome to learning strategies for self-love and silencing negative self-talk, “Why Didn’t Tell Us?” is a gift of love and wisdom for the insecure teenage girl that still exists in all of us.

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Wednesday Oct 02, 2024

“The nervous system is the behind-the-scenes to your mindset—the-behind-the scenes to everything—it fuels everything and is probably the most important investment you can make, ” says today’s guest Leah Davidson. A registered speech language pathologist and certified life coach—among a plethora of other certifications—Leah saw early on the role brain neuroplasticity and positive mindset played in a patient’s ability to heal and improve their conditions—even traumatic brain injuries. Today, she joins the Why Didn’t They Tell Us podcast to explain how the nervous system affects every aspect of our lives— from our outlook, mood, energy and the way we interpret information—as well as how we can develop a new positive mindset and increase our resilience. 
The process starts with developing an awareness of our own unique nervous systems and how they react to everything going on in our lives both internally and externally. Regulating our nervous systems is not only life-changing for us but for our teenage children who are watching our every move for cues as to how to react to their own worlds while their brains continue to mature. Leah explains how we can model positive nervous system regulation and emotional regulation for our kids.
Join today’s discussion to learn how you can tune into this most powerful internal system, work with it to develop a more positive mindset, and ultimately, change your life. 
“The nervous system is the behind-the-scenes to your mindset. It’s the behind-the-scenes to everything that you do and it is probably the most valuable investment you can make—into your nervous system—because it fuels everything.” (6:13 | Leah Davidson)
“I believe you can’t really access your mindset without really understanding your nervous system. You can’t take full advantage of the benefits of working on your mindset without looking deeper at what your nervous system is because it’s sort of like the mindset…the tip of the iceberg that we work on but the nervous system is down below. So, we want to be accessing it all.” (13:08 | Leah Davidson)
“Your worth is in being and not doing.” (22:56 | Leah Davidson)
“Teens are also super unique because their brains are developing, their CEO is on its way to develop. Their CEO isn’t fully developed until they’re in their mid-twenties, so they are reading and relying a lot on the—hopefully—regulated adults around them, meaning they’re relying on their parents, their coaches, their teachers to not just serve as a cognitive example but to serve as a nervous system. We call it co-regulation—when they are in your presence, are they feeding off of a frenetic, hyper energy, or are they feeding off of a confident, calm energy?” (22:58 | Leah Davidson)
“We first learn about our nervous system through our caregivers and that is the importance of—when people say, ‘What can I do with my teen? What can I do with my children?’ Nothing, per se, to your children, it is your work to do. And if you do your work, that will spill over into every single relationship you have, especially the relationship with your kids.” (24:28 | Leah Davidson) 
Connect with Leah Davidson:
Leah's Instagram
Leah’s Podcast: Building Resilience
Leah's Coaching Community
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

College Confidence

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

“I’m not just talking to new students who are starting this new chapter at college, this is for moms as well,” says host Leslie Randolph who dedicates today’s episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us to helping teens and their parents build trust and confidence—in themselves and in each other—as those teens embark on this exciting new chapter in their lives. College presents its own unique set of challenges—making new friends, joining new clubs and societies all while maintaining good grades. Leslie’s formula for thriving with confidence remains the same: loving, trusting and believing in yourself. 
You have the power to control your thoughts. By telling yourself the story that you are the person you are striving to be, you create a roadmap of the steps to take to actually become that person. For moms, this goes double: you have to trust and believe in your kid as well as in yourself that you both will not only survive but thrive through this process. The answer lay not in making things less difficult, but in trusting that you both can handle the challenges.
Join today’s episode to hear Leslie share a story about how she overcame her own shyness to make new friends when her family moved to South Africa. She also shares the best way for parents to give their kids advice—and it might not be what you’re expecting.
“Your thoughts are not facts. They aren’t truth. Most of the thoughts that we think are fictional stories and we’re the ones writing them. So, we want to use the power we have—everyone does—to write a story that we love, especially when that story is about you.” (8:19 | Leslie Randolph)
“You wouldn’t trust someone who didn’t have your best interests in mind or didn’t act in alignment with your values. The same is true for cultivating self-trust.” (11:14 | Leslie Randolph)
“You think the thoughts, and then you follow the steps of what that person you are trying to be would do.” (14:28 | Leslie Randolph)
“Moms you can trust yourselves by remembering all the lessons you taught her and modeled to her her whole life.” (23:01 | Leslie Randolph)
“You don’t stop being your kid's parents when they leave for school. You are just taking a more active role from the sidelines versus calling the plays.” (23:50 | Leslie Randolph)
College-Bound Confidence for Moms
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Bouncing Back

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

“Everything is hard before you start,” explains Leslie who returns from summer vacation to start a new season talking about, well—getting back into your routine. On today’s episode, she’ll discuss the fear and anxiety that naturally accompanies returning to an old job or skill after a period away, or starting a new endeavor entirely. It is completely normal to feel nervous, doubtful and like you’ve lost your mojo, however, it’s not a reason not to start. Leslie shares how to prove the doubting voice in your head wrong, face your fears, and act as your own bestie. 
As she explains throughout today’s episode, it takes a combination of humility, flexibility, compassion and action. Self-confidence is like working out—it can be painful at first but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And you have to be willing to be bad at your goal of choice for a little while, at least at the beginning. 
Join in to learn what first inspired Leslie to become a confidence coach, as well as how you can be part of the exciting new expansion to her business.
“I had a coaching mentor who once said to our cohort, ‘All roads lead back to Rome.’ And as a general life coach, I found that ‘Rome’ was self-love. Rome was self-worth. Rome was self-confidence.” (1:59 | Leslie Randolph)
“That teenage insecurity and self-consciousness and doubt that might have you not raising your hand in the classroom and then all of a sudden when you grow up becomes imposter syndrome and you’re not raising your hand in the boardroom.” (3:14 | Leslie Randolph)
“If I boil down so much of what I do with my clients it is really teaching them how to be a friend to themselves, a cheerleader to themselves. That bestie.” (3:58 | Leslie Randolph)
“The edge of the diving board is always scarier than jumping. Nothing is harder than the moments before taking that first courageous step toward your goal.” (9:50 | Leslie Randolph)
"If your brain is telling you 'you can't do it’ yeah, you can believe, ‘I can do it, I’m willing to try, I’m willing to give it a chance.’ You know what else you can do? You can go do it. Sometimes, the greatest gift you can give that bully brain is to prove it wrong with your actions. It’s like, ‘Watch me.’ So the best action? To start, to try, to see what’s possible and to see what you are capable of." (11:18 | Leslie Randolph) 
“If you don’t challenge those beliefs with action, what often happens is you just continue to think that they’re true. And it’s not that they’re true, it’s that you didn’t do anything to prove them wrong.” (15:23 | Leslie Randolph)
Connect With Leslie:
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

“Nothing changes everything,” says host Leslie Randolph on this summer season finale of Why Didn’t They Tell Us? Today, she draws from her recent experience giving a TEDx Talk—a longtime dream come true—to remind us of some of the most valuable lessons we’ve learned in episodes past. In this era of instant fame and “going viral,” it’s easy to believe that one event can instantly turn our whole worlds around. The true change that occurs, as Leslie will explain, is different, but better and much more valuable.
Leslie reminds us that because our brains are made to keep us safe from the danger of taking risks, their default mode is negative. So it is up to us to think positively—even before we have proof of success—that we can do it and that we are worthy. Circumstances are neither good nor bad, we get to determine how we feel about them.
What dreams of your own will you boldly chase this summer? Leslie will return this Fall for a season full of new insights and advice to help you and your teen become more self-loving and self-confident. 
“Nothing changes everything. What happens on the other side of a dream come true? It changes you. Dreams coming true don’t change everything, they change you. And that’s what matters even more.” (6:33 | Leslie Randolph) 
“Self-confidence, that holy grail emotion that I know so many of us seek is rooted in loving and believing in you. And a lot of times I think we feel like we need a reason, proof, to love and believe in ourselves.” (7:03 | Leslie Randolph)
“If I asked you to list out, right now, ten amazing things about you and what you’ve accomplished in your life, would you have that list at the ready?” (9:00 | Leslie Randolph)
“I had no evidence that I could do this Ted Talk, I had no evidence that I could do a podcast. I had to believe in me, and be willing to go after that goal, to take that risk, to leave my comfort zone, but you’ve got to believe first.” (10:57 | Leslie Randolph)
“Now on the other side of those goals, those risks, when you are in the discomfort zone, when you’ve made it there, when you’ve trained your brain to say, “I’m willing to feel these feels. I’m willing to do this,’ then you have the evidence. That’s the as-soon-as. You’ve got the proof.” (11:18 | Leslie Randolph) 
Connect With Leslie:
Leslie's TEDx Talk (tune in at 22:00)
Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

“Time for yourself is one of the most important gifts that you can give yourself,” says Sandra Merrill, holistic mind, body, and energy coach. Born an anxious kid and later struggling with the high intensity of living in New York City, she discovered the power of savasana yoga and the importance of taking time to be quiet and alone with one’s thoughts. She explains that for many, this is a scary prospect. People often feel too busy or fear there is a ‘right’ way to meditate and that they might do it ‘wrong.’
In today’s episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us?, Sandra dispels many myths and extols the virtues of meditation. Despite the uncontrollable aspects of our world, we can control how we show up in it. We can accept our thoughts and responses and mindfully bring ourselves back to center.
Sandra points out that if you can spend ten minutes mindlessly scrolling social media, you can take the time for meditation and experience life-changing results.
“We are constantly distracted and feeling like we need to be doing more, and we need to be moving and we need to be creating and we end up, I think, doing less. But I think that is what pushes us back. Who wants to sit down with themselves and dedicate time to sit down with themselves for 10 minutes? It sounds daunting and it sounds long. But I can guarantee you that those same people—sometimes myself included—have no problem scrolling on any social media platform for ten minutes, mindlessly, wasting that time.” (13:39 | Sandra Merrill) 
“I think so much of meditation is about acceptance of, ‘I am thinking these thoughts. I accept that.’ ‘This is happening in my life. How can I accept that?’ There’s so little that we have control over. In fact, we only really have control over how we show up in the world.” (28:09 | Sandra Merrill) 
“You know when Buddha sat with himself…I like knowing we can all do this…repeat the phrase ‘so hum’…come back to this ‘so hum.’” (26:36 | Sandra Merrill) 
“Meditation brings us back to that place of, “I know the answer already.” (31:37 | Sandra Merrill) 
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Believe in Advance

Thursday May 30, 2024

Thursday May 30, 2024

“If we only go after goals that we have evidence of our ability to achieve, then we’ll never conquer new frontiers,” says host Leslie Randolph. This is why we need to believe in ourselves ahead of time. So many of us, when pursuing a new goal, get caught in what she calls ‘a cycle of sabotage.’ Since we don’t have a past example to prove that we can achieve this goal, we get caught in a feeling of hopelessness, which means we don’t try and thus fulfill our own prophecy of impossibility. Thoughts lead to feelings which lead to action—or inaction. 
On today’s episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us, Leslie explains why our brain’s natural function of protecting us can backfire on our success, and what we can do to move past our “as-soon-as” thinking and believe in ourselves even while we’re waiting for evidence that we can do it.
Are you ready to go confidently in the direction of your dreams? Today Leslie will help you gain the self- confidence to take your first step forward. 
“So many of us have goals and dreams that we have no evidence of our ability to achieve or proof of possibility. And if you want something that you’ve never had before, something you’ve never achieved before, then you have no reason to believe it’s possible, right? If we can’t look back to our past for evidence that we’re capable of doing it, we have no reason to believe that we can, that it’s possible.” (4:59 | Leslie Randolph) 
“If we only go after goals that we have evidence of our ability to achieve, then we’ll never conquer new frontiers. We may never change and we’ll likely never try. That’s the biggest problem with not believing in ourselves. It stops us from seeing what’s possible, and more importantly, going after it.” (5:56 | Leslie Randolph)
“Your feelings are your fuel. How you feel will determine what you do and don’t do. Our feelings drive all of our actions.” (7:00 | Leslie Randolph)
“You just have to make the choice to believe in you.” (10:55 | Leslie Randolph) 
Connect With Leslie:
Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

What Do You Want?

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Wednesday May 15, 2024

“It’s no wonder we claim to not know what we want,” says host Leslie Randolph on today’s episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us. “We’ve been programmed to follow a path that isn’t for us. It’s actually for everyone else’s perception of us.” When what we truly want comes into conflict with all of the expectations placed on us by society, we experience what she calls ‘should shame.’ Women, especially, are given a rigid and narrow set of rules by which they are expected to live, and when you want to deviate from them, an emotional deficit begins to grow. 
Before Leslie found her calling as a coach, she experienced a lot of the same conflict. She shares the story of discovering her passion, hiding behind a safe and respectable job option and how she finally summoned the courage to be honest about what she really wanted and never looked back. 
What will you do with your one, precious life? Join Leslie to learn how to discover your purpose and passion, as well as the self-confidence to go after it. 
“First of all, I think so many of us believe that there’s a wrong answer, like, ‘I know what I want but it’s not what I should want.’ Whenever I hear the word ‘should,’ an alarm goes off in me because I know that ‘should’ always leads to shame.”  (3:20 | Leslie Randolph) 
“One of the reasons we experience ‘should shame’ is because the ‘should’ aligns with an external expectation versus an internal desire, and I believe that women are especially susceptible to societal ‘shoulds.’” (6:02 | Leslie Randolph)
“No sooner did I hear that voice of ‘That’s what you should do, that’s what you want,’ did I hear another voice come in that said, ‘You want to do what? You want to be a coach? What’s a coach?’ I had some strong opinions about it and it was so informed by those societal ‘shoulds.’  (15:03 | Leslie Randolph)
“At that moment, that moment when, at the height of the pandemic where we had this realization that life is so short and everything can change in a moment, and that desire became more important than the ‘shoulds.’ It’s my life. I want to do this, I want to create this impact, I want to help people. That meant more to be than the ‘You want to be a what?’ voice. I turned down the volume on that voice, on societal ‘shoulds,’ and cranked up the volume on the ‘This is what I want’ voice. And obviously you know how this story ends.” (19:21 | Leslie Randolph) 
“Don’t let ‘I don’t know’ be the compass. It will keep you stuck.” (21:51 | Leslie Randolph)
Connect With Leslie:
Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Wednesday May 01, 2024

“I’m out of my league. Someone else could do it better. I bring nothing to the table.” Imposter Syndrome, which is when we feel like a fraud in our lives or careers despite evidence to the contrary, causes so many of us insecurity, anxiety and doubt. What’s worse, we all think we are alone in this feeling, despite leading figures from actress Natalie Portman, singer Lady Gaga and even the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, all admitting to feeling like they don’t deserve their success and that they’ll be exposed to the world at any moment. Luckily, Leslie has the antidote for all of these negative thoughts, and on today’s episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us, she’ll show you how to challenge your false beliefs by answering one simple question. 
Our thoughts are deliberate. If we can choose to think negative thoughts we can choose to think positive thoughts. Leslie shares a series of affirmations to tell yourself so that you can begin to change the course of your emotions, and replace feelings of doubt with feelings of pride and self-confidence. 
“Imposter syndrome is a feeling caused by a collection of thoughts that are rooted in disbelief of you, your ability and capability.” (6:54 | Leslie Randolph)
“Often we ask ourselves the question, ‘Who do you think you are?’ And we let it be rhetorical. We just hear that very judgmental voice, and we think, ‘Oh, yeah, no, I am not cut out for this.’ We hear the question and we let it go unanswered.” (8:46 | Leslie Randolph)
“Imposter Syndrome is not a diagnosis or this incurable ail. It is the result of believing false thoughts about you, and while they are common, they are also optional. Thoughts always are. Our thoughts are the source of all of our suffering, but they can also be the secret to our success. Your perspective is your power.” (11:07 | Leslie Randolph) 
“Self-confidence is the antidote to Imposter Syndrome. It’s doubt’s Achilles heel.”(13:37 | Leslie Randolph) 
“That story you’ve been telling, it is not written in stone. You created it, which means you can also change it.” (15:34 | Leslie Randolph)
Connect With Leslie:
Quick Tips to Cultivate Confidence
Help Your Teen Cultivate Confidence
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

“It’s more than just visual—it’s also psychological, it’s emotional, there’s a physical component to it, there’s even a spiritual component to it,” says Sandy Thinnes, founder and CEO of Beauty Flow, a holistic beauty and wellness brand that takes an inside approach to beauty. Sandy explains how the desire to feel attractive and express oneself through makeup is common among women of all ages. However, she raises concerns about the impact of social media platforms like TikTok, which have young girls obsessing over makeup and skincare products. These products can be inappropriate for their age or even harmful based on their ingredients.
Sandy addresses how Millennial Moms can guide their daughters through the overwhelming beauty landscape. She will detail which products and ingredients to avoid, how to set positive beauty standards and attitudes, and ways to foster "foundational beauty" by helping teens and tweens develop their inner selves.
Furthermore, Sandy highlights the interconnectedness of physical health and beauty, sharing insights on how a healthy gut biome contributes to a healthy mind, spirit, and skin barrier. Listeners will learn about the scientific links between meditation and anti-aging, the benefits of daily physical activity, and why maintaining a regulated nervous system is crucial for beauty.
The episode emphasizes teaching girls to value who they are and what they have to offer, so they can show up confidently to present their unique gifts to the world and to heal it in a way that only women can. 
“There’s really nothing wrong with you or your body, there’s just something wrong with where your focus is.”  (24:50 | Sandy Thinnes)
“If you are completely focused on your external shell, it will rob focus away from your internal spirit, your internal world.” (25:32 | Sandy Thinnes)
“It just takes one woman to start a beauty movement.” (34:41 | Sandy Thinnes)
“My goal is to help women understand that so they can pass it on to future generations, and also for themselves to show up so that they can feel more successful in their world and whatever it is they're doing.” (41:50 | Sandy Thinnes) 
“What we can all do with one another is to help each other have more confidence because when women or girls don't have confidence, they want to hide. They don't want to show up. They don't want to share what's in their heart or what they're doing to try to make this world a better place. And I don't know about you, but I can see that this world needs women more than ever, to heal, because a lot is going on out there.” (42:09 | Sandy Thinnes)
Connect with Sandy Thinnes:
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 Connect With Leslie:
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Self-Confidence Kryptonite

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

“Would you say to your best friend, ‘Well, you kind of suck. You’re a total failure?’” asks host Leslie Randolph on today’s episode of Why Didn’t They Tell Us? Most likely—and hopefully—the answer is no, so why do so many of us so easily and frequently say these things to ourselves when we fail to achieve our goals or get something we wanted? We attach disparaging narratives to our failures and positive narratives to what we perceive as other peoples’ endless stream of successes. There are three major forms of what Leslie calls self-confidence kryptonite, and today she’ll share what they are and what we can do to guard against them.
She’ll reveal the one small word to add to your negative self-talk that will completely change your outlook. She’ll discuss sticking to the facts and how to avoid the traps laid by social media that prey on our doubts and insecurity. Learn a series of lists to compile, how to be aware of negative self-talk and deliberate about positive self-talk. 
As Leslie says, self-confidence is an inside job!
“If your goal is to one day make the team, or to one day get that promotion at work, those thoughts are not going to motivate you to try again. Why would you? If you believe you suck, or you’re a failure, or it’s never going to happen, then what’s the point? Those thoughts not only make you feel bad but they stop you from going after what it is you want.” (5:55 | Leslie Randolph)
“That doesn’t mean today’s result is going to dictate what happens in the future, only you can if you stop trying. And you’ll stop trying if you tell yourself you suck, you’re a failure, and it’s never going to happen.” (11:58 | Leslie Randolph)
“If your best friend called and said, ‘I didn’t make the team,’ or ‘I didn’t get the promotion,’ would you sit there and say, ‘Well, you kind of suck. I mean, you’re a total failure and you’re probably never going to get it, I mean, it’s never going to happen for you.’ Would you say that to her? No. No, you wouldn’t. And if you did, chances are she wouldn’t be your best friend for long.” (9:11 | Leslie Randolph) 
“Learning to remove yourself from situations that make you feel terrible is a total act of self love.” (15:02 | Leslie)
“Self-confidence is an inside job, which means the source of it comes from within as well.” (19:58 | Leslie Randolph)
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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